Patient Perspectives
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Using Alberta Population Norms as a Benchmark in Primary Care
Presenting Author(s): Krista Brower
What Matters Most to Albertans from Rural, Remote, or Isolated Communities When Returning Home After Being Hospitalized
Presenting Author(s): Gary Semeniuk, Kim Giroux
Using Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROMs) in Clinical Program Evaluation: Two Program Examples Measuring Health Status in Primary Care
Presenting Author(s): Allison Soprovich
Patient Perspectives on EQ-5D-5L Data Visualization within an Individualized Decision Aid for Total Knee Replacement (TKA)
Presenting Author(s): Allison Soprovich
Environmental Scan of Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) with Primary Care Networks in Alberta
Presenting Author(s): Allison Soprovich
Enhancing the Use of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) in Alberta
Presenting Author(s): Allison Soprovich